Something MONSTEROUS is coming to the ZX Spectrum!

The wait is almost over...
CHIBI AKUMAs for Spectrum is complete and coming soon!

The most EVIL, and most CHIBI vampire is back!
And this time no Z80 Computer is safe!!!

When Monsters invade her homeland, Vampire Chibiko
is going to unleash an unholy ass kicking!

Join Vampire Chibiko, and her Ghoul Brother Bochan in the crazyest
arcade-style Bullet hell shooter the Z80 has ever seen!

ChibiAkumas has all the features other games are TOO SCARED to include!:

4 levels of Multi-directional shooter action!

Weird enemies, and Huge end of level boss battles!
Simultanious 2 Player Arcade-Action!

up to 256 bullets on screeen in levels... and upto 1280 bullets in the last boss battle!

Cartoon cutscenes, Twisted Humor, and the worst role-model ever seen in a computer game!

Spectrum version Features:

Requires 128k, works on Spectrum 128 and +3

Release will come on TRD, DSK and TAP image

All Graphics and levels recolored and enhanced for the Spectrum Graphics!

Kempson Joystick support!

Are you ready for the ultimate in 8-Bit BULLET-HELL?,

Because CHIBI AKUMAS is coming soon...

Whether you want it to or NOT!!!

Coming Soon to CPC, CPC+, Spectrum 128k, MSX2 and Turbo-R +V9990!

Chibi Akuma(s) ZX Spectrum Cave level
Chibi Akumas Cave Level

Chibi Akuma(s) for ZX Spectrum
Buy ChibiAkuma(s) for ZX Spectrum!

Chibi Akuma(s) ZX Spectrum River level
Chibi Akumas Cave Level

Chibi Akuma(s) ZX Spectrum Vertical level
Chibi Akumas Vertical Cave Level

Buy my Assembly programming book
on Amazon in Print or Kindle!

Buy my Assembly programming book

Available worldwide!
Search 'ChibiAkumas' on
your local Amazon website!
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Buy my Assembly programming book
on Amazon in Print or Kindle!

Buy my Assembly programming book

Available worldwide!
Search 'ChibiAkumas' on
your local Amazon website!
Click here for more info!

Buy my Assembly programming book
on Amazon in Print or Kindle!

Buy my Assembly programming book

Available worldwide!
Search 'ChibiAkumas' on
your local Amazon website!
Click here for more info!

  Chibi Akuma(s) uses the ArkosPlayer Music Tracker
Chibi Akuma(s) would not have been possible without the following community websites:,,,,,, spectrumcomputing
The following software was used during Development:WinApe, Arnold, OpenMSX, Fuse, ConvImgCpc,Krita,Blender Openshot, Scribus

Warning!: This game is comedy fiction which contains graphic violence, bad language and religious themes which will be offensive to some people. the games rating is R-15, if you do not shows like "South Park" you will not enjoy this game
This game is not suitable for children - if you think a psychotic monster is a good role model for your kids I think you need to re-assess your parenting methods!
I do not condone or encourage any of actions portrayed in this game ! This is FICTION. if you cannot tell the difference between what is acceptable in a game and real life you should not be playing this - Killing people and drinking their blood is NOT COOL!... I despair that I have to point this crap out, but it seems I do

Some of the images on this website have had their colour enhanced for artistic effect and to represent the intended appearance of the character, I do not want to mislead people as to the standard of my game, so these images are marked with a red cross