68000 Assembly programming for the The Commodore Amiga (500)

The Amiga was the first hugely popular 16 bit home computer, and was the envy of all the 8 bit owners in the 80's and early 90's...

With graphics closer to the arcade, and impressive digital sound, the Amiga dominated home computing until the 486's stared to give the PC superior power... while often graphically comparable to the Atari ST... the Amiga's superior sound... with 4 PCM channels brought high quality music to games and amateur musicians

Amiga 500
Cpu 7mhz 68000
Ram 512k1MB
Vram 1MB
Resolution 320x240 32 color
Bitmap planes 6 bitplanes with multiple options eg... 2 x 8 color 1x32 color
Max Sprites 8 hardware sprites - 16x?? - 4 color
Sound chip 4 channel PCM

Useful Documents
Amiga Hardware Ref Manual - The best hardware document I've found

ChibiAkumas Tutorials

   Lesson P6 - Bitmap Functions on the Amiga

Lesson P12 - Joystick Reading on the Amiga

Lesson P17 - Palette Definitions on the Amiga

Lesson P23 - Sound on the Amiga

Lesson P28 - Hardware Sprites on the Amiga

Palette Definitions

Palette definitions on the Amiga are performed by writing to memory registers between $DFF180 and $DFF1BE

Definitions can be performed by writing a word to these registers, with 4 bits per channel in the format shown to the right

 F   E   D   C   B   A   9   8   
 7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0 
- - - - R3 R2 R1 R0
G3 G2 G1 G0 B3 B2 B1 B0
There are a set of 32 words between $DFF180 and $DFF1BE,

We don't actually set these directly, we want to change them within our copperlist!
COLOR00 180 Color table 00
COLOR01 182 Color table 01
COLOR02 184 Color table 02
COLOR03 186 Color table 03
COLOR04 188 Color table 04
COLOR05 18A Color table 05
COLOR06 18C Color table 06
COLOR07 18E Color table 07
COLOR08 190 Color table 08
COLOR09 192 Color table 09
COLOR10 194 Color table 10
COLOR11 196 Color table 11
COLOR12 198 Color table 12
COLOR13 19A Color table 13
COLOR14 19C Color table 14
COLOR15 19E Color table 15
COLOR16 1A0 Color table 16
COLOR17 1A2 Color table 17 ... Sprite 0/1 Color 1
COLOR18 1A4 Color table 18 ... Sprite 0/1 Color 2
COLOR19 1A6 Color table 19 ... Sprite 0/1 Color 3
COLOR20 1A8 Color table 20
COLOR21 1AA Color table 21 ... Sprite 2/3 Color 1
COLOR22 1AC Color table 22 ... Sprite 2/3 Color 2
COLOR23 1AE Color table 23 ... Sprite 2/3 Color 3
COLOR24 1B0 Color table 24
COLOR25 1B2 Color table 25 ... Sprite 4/5 Color 1
COLOR26 1B4 Color table 26 ... Sprite 4/5 Color 2
COLOR27 1B6 Color table 27 ... Sprite 4/5 Color 3
COLOR28 1B8 Color table 28
COLOR29 1BA Color table 29 ... Sprite 6/7 Color 1
COLOR30 1BC Color table 30 ... Sprite 6/7 Color 2
COLOR31 1BE Color table 31 ... Sprite 6/7 Color 3

Memory Map
From To Description
000000 03FFFF 256K Chip RAM (A1000 Chip RAM,1st 256K for A500/A2000)
040000 07FFFF 256K bytes of Chip RAM (2nd 256K for A500/A2000)
080000 0FFFFF 512K Extended chip RAM (to 1 MB for A2000).
100000 1FFFFF Reserved. Do not use.
200000 9FFFFF Primary 8 MB Auto-config space .
A00000 BEFFFF Reserved. Do not use.
BFD000 BFDF00 8520-B (access at even-byte addresses only)
BFE001 BFEF01 8520-A (access at odd-byte addresses only)
C00000 DFEFFF Reserved. Do not use.
C00000 D7FFFF Internal expansion (slow) memory (on some systems).
D80000 DBFFFF Reserved. Do not use.
DC0000 DCFFFF Real time clock (not accessable on all systems).
DFF000 DFFFFF Chip registers.
E00000 E7FFFF Reserved. Do not use.
E80000 E8FFFF Auto-config space
E90000 EFFFFF Secondary auto-config space (usually 64K I/O boards).
F00000 FBFFFF Reserved. Do not use.
FC0000 FFFFFF 256K System ROM.

"Chip Registers"
System Registers appear in the memory address rage $DFF000-$DFFFFFF... However they will appear without the $DFF prefix when used in command sequences for the "Copper" coprocesor

ADD R/WD Chip Function
BLTDDAT & *000 ER A Blitter destination early read (dummy address)
*002 R AP DMA control (and blitter status) read
*004 R A( E ) Read vert most signif. bit (and frame flop)
*006 R A Read vert and horiz. position of beam
DSKDATR & *008 ER P Disk data early read (dummy address)
*00A R D Joystick-mouse 0 data (vert,horiz)
*00C R D Joystick-mouse 1 data (vert,horiz)
*00E R D Collision data register (read and clear)
*010 R P Audio, disk control register read
*012 R P( E ) Pot counter pair 0 data (vert,horiz)
*014 R P( E ) Pot counter pair 1 data (vert,horiz)
*016 R P Pot port data read (formerly POTINP)
*018 R P Serial port data and status read
*01A R P Disk data byte and status read
*01C R P Interrupt enable bits read
*01E R P Interrupt request bits read
DSKPTH + *020 W A( E ) Disk pointer (high 3 bits, 5 bits if ECS)
DSKPTL + *022 W A Disk pointer (low 15 bits)
*024 W P Disk length
DSKDAT & *026 W P Disk DMA data write
REFPTR & *028 W A Refresh pointer
*02A W A Write vert most signif. bit (and frame flop)
*02C W A Write vert and horiz position of beam
*02E W A( E ) Coprocessor control register (CDANG)
*030 W P Serial port data and stop bits write
*032 W P Serial port period and control
*034 W P Pot port data write and start
*036 W D Write to all four joystick-mouse counters at once
STREQU & *038 S D Strobe for horiz sync with VB and EQU
STRVBL & *03A S D Strobe for horiz sync with VB (vert. blank)
STRHOR & *03C S DP Strobe for horiz sync
STRLONG & *03E S D( E ) Strobe for identification of long horiz. Line.
~040 W A Blitter control register 0
~042 W A( E ) Blitter control register 1
~044 W A Blitter first word mask for source A
~046 W A Blitter last word mask for source A
BLTCPTH + ~048 W A Blitter pointer to source C (high 3 bits)
BLTCPTL + ~04A W A Blitter pointer to source C (low 15 bits)
BLTBPTH + ~04C W A Blitter pointer to source B (high 3 bits)
BLTBPTL + ~04E W A Blitter pointer to source B (low 15 bits)
BLTAPTH + ~050 W A( E ) Blitter pointer to source A (high 3 bits)
BLTAPTL + ~052 W A Blitter pointer to source A (low 15 bits)
BLTDPTH + ~054 W A Blitter pointer to destination D (high 3 bits)
BLTDPTL + ~056 W A Blitter pointer to destination D (low 15 bits)
~058 W A Blitter start and size (window width,height)
~05A W A( E ) Blitter control 0, lower 8 bits (minterms)
~05C W A( E ) Blitter V size (for 15 bit vertical size)
~05E W A( E ) Blitter H size and start (for 11 bit H size)
~060 W A Blitter modulo for source C
~062 W A Blitter modulo for source B
~064 W A Blitter modulo for source A
~066 W A Blitter modulo for destination D





BLTCDAT % ~070 W A Blitter source C data register
BLTBDAT % ~072 W A Blitter source B data register
BLTADAT % ~074 W A Blitter source A data register


~078 W A( E ) Ext. logic UHRES sprite pointer and data id


~07C R D( E ) Chip revision level for Denise (video out chip)
~07E W P Disk sync pattern register for disk read
COP1LCH + 80 W A( E ) Coprocessor first location register (high 3 bits, high 5 bits if ECS)
COP1LCL + 82 W A Coprocessor first location register (low 15 bits)
COP2LCH + 84 W A( E ) Coprocessor second location register (high 3 bits, high 5 bits if ECS)
COP2LCL + 86 W A Coprocessor second location register (low 15 bits)
88 S A Coprocessor restart at first location
08A S A Coprocessor restart at second location
08C W A Coprocessor instruction fetch identify
08E W A Display window start (upper left vert-horiz position)
90 W A Display window stop (lower right vert.-horiz. Position)
92 W A Display bitplane data fetch start (horiz. Position)
94 W A Display bitplane data fetch stop (horiz. position)
96 W ADP DMA control write (clear or set)
98 W D Collision control
09A W P Interrupt enable bits (clear or set bits)
09C W P Interrupt request bits (clear or set bits)
09E W P Audio, disk, UART control
AUD0LCH + 0A0 W A( E ) Audio channel 0 (L) location (high 3 bits, 5 if ECS)
AUD0LCL + 0A2 W A Audio channel 0 (L) location (low 15 bits)
0A4 W P Audio channel 0 (L) length (in words)
0A6 W P( E ) Audio channel 0 (L) period
0A8 W P Audio channel 0 (L) volume
AUD0DAT & 0AA W P Audio channel 0 (L) data



AUD1LCH + 0B0 W A Audio channel 1 (R) location (high 3 bits)
AUD1LCL + 0B2 W A Audio channel 1 (R) location (low 15 bits)
0B4 W P Audio channel 1 (R) length (in words)
0B6 W P Audio channel 1 (R) period
0B8 W P Audio channel 1 (R) volume
AUD1DAT & 0BA W P Audio channel 1 (R) data



AUD2LCH + 0C0 W A Audio channel 2 (L) location (high 3 bits)
AUD2LCL + 0C2 W A Audio channel 2 (L) location (low 15 bits)
0C4 W P Audio channel 2 (L) length (in words)
0C6 W P Audio channel 2 (L) period
0C8 W P Audio channel 2 (L) volume
AUD2DAT & 0CA W P Audio channel 2 (L) data



AUD3LCH + 0D0 W A Audio channel 3 (R) location (high 3 bits)
AUD3LCL + 0D2 W A Audio channel 3 (R) location (low 15 bits)
0D4 W P Audio channel 3 (R) length (in words)
0D6 W P Audio channel 3 (R) period
0D8 W P Audio channel 3 (R) volume
AUD3DAT & 0DA W P Audio channel 3 (R) data



BPL1PTH + 0E0 W A Bitplane 1 pointer (high 3 bits)
BPL1PTL + 0E2 W A Bitplane 1 pointer (low 15 bits)
BPL2PTH + 0E4 W A Bitplane 2 pointer (high 3 bits)
BPL2PTL + 0E6 W A Bitplane 2 pointer (low 15 bits)
BPL3PTH + 0E8 W A Bitplane 3 pointer (high 3 bits)
BPL3PTL + 0EA W A Bitplane 3 pointer (low 15 bits)
BPL4PTH + 0EC W A Bitplane 4 pointer (high 3 bits)
BPL4PTL + 0EE W A Bitplane 4 pointer (low 15 bits)
BPL5PTH + 0F0 W A Bitplane 5 pointer (high 3 bits)
BPL5PTL + 0F2 W A Bitplane 5 pointer (low 15 bits)
BPL6PTH + 0F4 W A Bitplane 6 pointer (high 3 bits)
BPL6PTL + 0F6 W A Bitplane 6 pointer (low 15 bits)





100 W AD( E ) Bitplane control register (misc. control bits)
102 W D Bitplane control reg. (scroll value PF1, PF2)
104 W D( E ) Bitplane control reg. (priority control)
106 W D( E ) Bitplane control (enhanced features)
108 W A Bitplane modulo (odd planes)
10A W A Bitplane modulo (even planes)



BPL1DAT & 110 W D Bitplane 1 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
BPL2DAT & 112 W D Bitplane 2 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
BPL3DAT & 114 W D Bitplane 3 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
BPL4DAT & 116 W D Bitplane 4 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
BPL5DAT & 118 W D Bitplane 5 data (parallel-to-serial convert)
BPL6DAT & 11A W D Bitplane 6 data (parallel-to-serial convert)



SPR0PTH + 120 W A Sprite 0 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR0PTL + 122 W A Sprite 0 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR1PTH + 124 W A Sprite 1 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR1PTL + 126 W A Sprite 1 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR2PTH + 128 W A Sprite 2 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR2PTL + 12A W A Sprite 2 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR3PTH + 12C W A Sprite 3 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR3PTL + 12E W A Sprite 3 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR4PTH + 130 W A Sprite 4 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR4PTL + 132 W A Sprite 4 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR5PTH + 134 W A Sprite 5 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR5PTL + 136 W A Sprite 5 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR6PTH + 138 W A Sprite 6 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR6PTL + 13A W A Sprite 6 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR7PTH + 13C W A Sprite 7 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR7PTL + 13E W A Sprite 7 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR0POS % 140 W AD Sprite 0 vert-horiz start position data
SPR0CTL % 142 W AD( E ) Sprite 0 vert stop position and control data
SPR0DATA % 144 W D Sprite 0 image data register A
SPR0DATB % 146 W D Sprite 0 image data register B
SPR1POS % 148 W AD Sprite 1 vert-horiz start position
SPR1CTL % 14A W AD Sprite 1 vert stop position and
SPR1DATA % 14C W D Sprite 1 image data register A
SPR1DATB % 14E W D Sprite 1 image data register B
SPR2POS % 150 W AD Sprite 2 vert-horiz start position data
SPR2CTL % 152 W AD Sprite 2 vert stop position and control data
SPR2DATA % 154 W D Sprite 2 image data register A
SPR2DATB % 156 W D Sprite 2 image data register B
SPR3POS % 158 W AD Sprite 3 vert-horiz start position data
SPR3CTL % 15A W AD Sprite 3 vert stop position and control data
SPR3DATA % 15C W D Sprite 3 image data register A
SPR3DATB % 15E W D Sprite 3 image data register B
SPR4POS % 160 W AD Sprite 4 vert-horiz start position data
SPR4CTL % 162 W AD Sprite 4 vert stop position and control data
SPR4DATA % 164 W D Sprite 4 image data register A
SPR4DATB % 166 W D Sprite 4 image data register B
SPR5POS % 168 W AD Sprite 5 vert-horiz start position data
SPR5CTL % 16A W AD Sprite 5 vert stop position and control data
SPR5DATA % 16C W D Sprite 5 image data register A
SPR5DATB % 16E W D Sprite 5 image data register B
SPR6POS % 170 W AD Sprite 6 vert-horiz start position data
SPR6CTL % 172 W AD Sprite 6 vert stop position and control data
SPR6DATA % 174 W D Sprite 6 image data register A
SPR6DATB % 176 W D Sprite 6 image data register B
SPR7POS % 178 W AD Sprite 7 vert-horiz start position data
SPR7CTL % 17A W AD Sprite 7 vert stop position and control data
SPR7DATA % 17C W D Sprite 7 image data register A
SPR7DATB % 17E W D Sprite 7 image data register B
180 W D Color table 00
182 W D Color table 01
184 W D Color table 02
186 W D Color table 03
188 W D Color table 04
18A W D Color table 05
18C W D Color table 06
18E W D Color table 07
190 W D Color table 08
192 W D Color table 09
194 W D Color table 10
196 W D Color table 11
198 W D Color table 12
19A W D Color table 13
19C W D Color table 14
19E W D Color table 15
1A0 W D Color table 16
1A2 W D Color table 17
1A4 W D Color table 18
1A6 W D Color table 19
1A8 W D Color table 20
1AA W D Color table 21
1AC W D Color table 22
1AE W D Color table 23
1B0 W D Color table 24
1B2 W D Color table 25
1B4 W D Color table 26
1B6 W D Color table 27
1B8 W D Color table 28
1BA W D Color table 29
1BC W D Color table 30
1BE W D Color table 31
1C0 W A( E ) Highest number count, horiz line (VARBEAMEN=1)
1C2 W A( E ) Horizontal line position for HSYNC stop
1C4 W A( E ) Horizontal line position for HBLANK start
1C6 W A( E ) Horizontal line position for HBLANK stop
1C8 W A( E ) Highest numbered vertical line (VARBEAMEN=1)
1CA W A( E ) Vertical line position for VSYNC stop
1CC W A( E ) Vertical line for VBLANK start
1CE W A( E ) Vertical line for VBLANK stop












1DC W A( E ) Beam counter control register (SHRES,PAL)
1DE W A( E ) Horizontal sync start (VARHSY)
1E0 W A( E ) Vertical sync start (VARVSY)
1E2 W A( E ) Horizontal position for Vsync on interlace
1E4 W AD( E ) Display window -upper bits for start,

Copper list commands

copperlist commands can set a chip register, or wait for a particluar screen position

Word 1
Word 2

F E D C B A 9 8  
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0    
F E D C B A 9 8  
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0     Command Details
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n
n n n n n n n 0
Change setting n= address to Change ($DFFnnn) D=new data for address
H H H H H H H 1
v v v v v v v v
h h h h h h h 1
wait for pos V=Vops H=Hpos v=Vpos Compare enable h=hpos compare enable

The copperlist should end with an infinite wait '#$fffffffe'

Hardware Sprites

There are 8 hardware sprites on the Amiga, Hardware Sprites are 16 pixels wide, and can be any height... each sprite is 4 colors (2bpp), but Sprites 0&1, 2&3 etc

Hardware sprites use a set of pointers, pointing to a sprite table in 'Chip Ram'... this table defines a series of XY positions and bitmap data, that are used by the sprite DMA to define the image...

The format of the header is as follows:

Bit F E D C B A 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Word1 S S S S S S S S
S=Start Vertical position, H=Horizontal position
Word2 E E E E E E E E
A - - - - - - -
E=End Vertical position, A=Attatch to prev sprite

The end of each Sprite list ends 0,0

We need to define the pointers to the sprite data, we do this in the Copperlist in the following way:
        move.l #StartSprite0,d0
        move.w #$0122,(a6)+                    ; StartSprite0 pointer (low 15 bits)
        move.w d0,(a6)+       
        swap d0
        move.w #$0120,(a6)+                    ; StartSprite0 pointer (high 3 bits)
        move.w d0,(a6)+       

The pointer addresses for other sprites  are shown in the table below, you should define all the sprites, even if they point to an empty list...

Once we've defined our sprites, we need to turn the sprite DMA on:

move.w  #%1000001000100000,DMACON   ; DMA set ON  - DMA control (and blitter status) read
Sample Sprite Data:

    dc.w $804A,$8800         ;Header
    dc.w $0001,$0304        ;Bitmap Data
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $A070,$A800         ;Header
    dc.w $0304,$0001,$0304    ;Bitmap Data
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0001   
    dc.w 0,0                ;End of Sprites

    dc.w $804A,$8880         ;header
    dc.w $0001,$0304        ;Bitmap Data
    dc.w $0001,$0304
    dc.w $0010,$0403
    dc.w $0010,$0403
    dc.w $0304,$0001,$0304
    dc.w $0010,$0403
    dc.w $0010,$0403
    dc.w $0001
    dc.w 0,0                ;End of Sprites
StartSprite2:                ;Unused Sprites
    dc.w 0,0                ;End of Sprites

Sprite Pointers
The hardware sprites are defined by the following Chip Registers

ADD R/WD Chip Function
96 W ADP DMA control write (clear or set)
SPR0PTH + 120 W A Sprite 0 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR0PTL + 122 W A Sprite 0 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR1PTH + 124 W A Sprite 1 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR1PTL + 126 W A Sprite 1 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR2PTH + 128 W A Sprite 2 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR2PTL + 12A W A Sprite 2 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR3PTH + 12C W A Sprite 3 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR3PTL + 12E W A Sprite 3 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR4PTH + 130 W A Sprite 4 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR4PTL + 132 W A Sprite 4 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR5PTH + 134 W A Sprite 5 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR5PTL + 136 W A Sprite 5 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR6PTH + 138 W A Sprite 6 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR6PTL + 13A W A Sprite 6 pointer (low 15 bits)
SPR7PTH + 13C W A Sprite 7 pointer (high 3 bits)
SPR7PTL + 13E W A Sprite 7 pointer (low 15 bits)

Hardware Sprites Pixel data

The Sprites are always 16 pixels wide, and by default 2bpp (4 colors)... each line of the sprite is made up of 2 words of data...

The first Word is effectively the 1st bitplane of the sprite.
The second Word is effectively the 2st bitplane of the sprite.

The third word will be the 1st bitplane of the 2nd line - and so on!

If we attach Sprite 1 to Sprite  0 - we effectively increase it to 16 colors (4bpp) - adding an extra 2 bit-planes to the sprite!

Note: We can only attach pairs of sprites, 0+1, 2+3, 4+5 or 6+7... we cannot attach sprite 0 to sprite 2!

Sprite 0

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4
Line 1 Bits 15-8
Bitplane 0
Bits 7-0
Bitplane 0
Bits 15-8
Bitplane 1
Bits 7-0
Bitplane 1
Line 2 Bits 15-8
Bitplane 0
Bits 7-0
Bitplane 0
Bits 15-8
Bitplane 1
Bits 7-0
Bitplane 1
� � � � �

Sprite 1 (when Attached)

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4
Line 1 Bits 15-8
Bitplane 2
Bits 7-0
Bitplane 2
Bits 15-8
Bitplane 3
Bits 7-0
Bitplane 3
Line 2 Bits 15-8
Bitplane 2
Bits 7-0
Bitplane 2
Bits 15-8
Bitplane 3
Bits 7-0
Bitplane 3
� � � � �

4 color 2bpp Hardware Sprites Colors
4 color Hardware sprites use 3 colors from palette 17-31... color 0 is always transparent... the colors vary depending on the sprite number
16 color sprites use colors 17-31

Sprite number 
Palette numbers
0, 1
17, 18, 19
2, 3
21, 22, 23
4, 5
25, 26, 27
6, 7
28, 29, 30

Sound ports on the Amiga

We need to use the Chip registers to control the sound, but unlike with the graphics, we're not going to use the Copper Chip.

When we specify the address of the sample, we need this to be in Chip ram (Defined with 'Section ChipRAM,Data_c')

Name Address
Function Bits Details
DMACON 096 DMA control write (clear or set) S-----E- ---DCBA S=Set/Clr E=enable ABCD=Channnels
AUD0LCH 0A0 Audio channel 0 (L) location (high 3 bits, 5 if ECS) -------- ---hhHHH Address H � Must be within CHIP ram!
AUD0LCL 0A2 Audio channel 0 (L) location (low 15 bits) LLLLLLLL LLLLLLL- Address L � Must be within CHIP ram!
AUD0LEN 0A4 Audio channel 0 (L) length DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD Data Length (in words)
AUD0PER 0A6 Audio channel 0 (L) period PPPPPPPP PPPPPPPP Period (High number=Low Pitch)
AUD0VOL 0A8 Audio channel 0 (L) volume -------- --VVVVVV V=Volume (64=max)
AUD0DAT 0AA Audio channel 0 (L) data DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD Data
AUD1LCH 0B0 Audio channel 1 (R) location (high 3 bits) -------- ---hhHHH Address H � Must be within CHIP ram!
AUD1LCL 0B2 Audio channel 1 (R) location (low 15 bits) LLLLLLLL LLLLLLL- Address L � Must be within CHIP ram!
AUD1LEN 0B4 Audio channel 1 (R) length DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD Data Length (in words)
AUD1PER 0B6 Audio channel 1 (R) period PPPPPPPP PPPPPPPP Period (High number=Low Pitch)
AUD1VOL 0B8 Audio channel 1 (R) volume -------- --VVVVVV V=Volume (64=max)
AUD1DAT 0BA Audio channel 1 (R) data DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD Data
AUD2LCH 0C0 Audio channel 2 (L) location (high 3 bits) -------- ---hhHHH Address H � Must be within CHIP ram!
AUD2LCL 0C2 Audio channel 2 (L) location (low 15 bits) LLLLLLLL LLLLLLL- Address L � Must be within CHIP ram!
AUD2LEN 0C4 Audio channel 2 (L) length DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD Data Length (in words)
AUD2PER 0C6 Audio channel 2 (L) period PPPPPPPP PPPPPPPP Period (High number=Low Pitch)
AUD2VOL 0C8 Audio channel 2 (L) volume -------- --VVVVVV V=Volume (64=max)
AUD2DAT 0CA Audio channel 2 (L) data DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD Data
AUD3LCH 0D0 Audio channel 3 (R) location (high 3 bits) -------- ---hhHHH Address H � Must be within CHIP ram!
AUD3LCL 0D2 Audio channel 3 (R) location (low 15 bits) LLLLLLLL LLLLLLL- Address L � Must be within CHIP ram!
AUD3LEN 0D4 Audio channel 3 (R) length DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD Data Length (in words)
AUD3PER 0D6 Audio channel 3 (R) period PPPPPPPP PPPPPPPP Period (High number=Low Pitch)
AUD3VOL 0D8 Audio channel 3 (R) volume -------- --VVVVVV V=Volume (64=max)
AUD3DAT 0DA Audio channel 3 (R) data DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD Data
We're going to use Channel 0 and Channel 1 to make a 'mono sound...

As each channel is 16 bytes apart, we can specify the registers of Channel1 as Channel0's +16 - Eg: DFF0A2+16 for DFF0B2

This will make it easier to see we're changing the equivalent setting of Channel 1 when we set both together.

Joystick reading
Joysticks on the Amiga connect to the Mouse ports... the data is 'encoded' in the bits of the Horizontal Data

JOY0DAT  $DFF00A Joystick-mouse 0 data (vert,horiz)
JOY1DAT $DFF00C  Joystick-mouse 1 data (vert,horiz)

To covert data from these ports into a traditional digital joystick direction, we need to do some logical operations.

Direction  Represented by  
Bits in $DFF0A/C
Right 1
Left 9
Down 1 XOR 0
UP 9 XOR 8

We also need to get the joystick fire buttons from a different port:

Address  Purpose
$BFE001  FIR1 / FIR0 / RDY / TK0 / WPRO / CHNG / LED / OVL
$BFE201 Direction for bits of port A ($BFE001)... 1=Out / 0=In


Category Offset Dec
Offset Hex Meaning
exec 30 $ffe2 -$001e Supervisor(userFunction)(a5)
exec 36 $ffdc -$0024 ExitIntr()()
exec 42 $ffd6 -$002a Schedule()()
exec 48 $ffd0 -$0030 Reschedule()()
exec 54 $ffca -$0036 Switch()()
exec 60 $ffc4 -$003c Dispatch()()
exec 66 $ffbe -$0042 Exception()()
exec 72 $ffb8 -$0048 InitCode(startClass,version)(d0/d1)
exec 78 $ffb2 -$004e InitStruct(initTable,memory,size)(a1/a2,d0)
exec 84 $ffac -$0054 MakeLibrary(funcInit,structInit,libInit,dataSize,segList)
exec 90 $ffa6 -$005a MakeFunctions(target,functionArray,funcDispBase)(a0/a1/a2)
exec 96 $ffa0 -$0060 FindResident(name)(a1)
exec 102 $ff9a -$0066 InitResident(resident,segList)(a1,d1)
exec 108 $ff94 -$006c Alert(alertNum)(d7)
exec 114 $ff8e -$0072 Debug(flags)(d0)
exec 120 $ff88 -$0078 Disable()()
exec 126 $ff82 -$007e Enable()()
exec 132 $ff7c -$0084 Forbid()()
exec 138 $ff76 -$008a Permit()()
exec 144 $ff70 -$0090 SetSR(newSR,mask)(d0/d1)
exec 150 $ff6a -$0096 SuperState()()
exec 156 $ff64 -$009c UserState(sysStack)(d0)
exec 162 $ff5e -$00a2 SetIntVector(intNumber,interrupt)(d0/a1)
exec 168 $ff58 -$00a8 AddIntServer(intNumber,interrupt)(d0/a1)
exec 174 $ff52 -$00ae RemIntServer(intNumber,interrupt)(d0/a1)
exec 180 $ff4c -$00b4 Cause(interrupt)(a1)
exec 186 $ff46 -$00ba Allocate(freeList,byteSize)(a0,d0)
exec 192 $ff40 -$00c0 Deallocate(freeList,memoryBlock,byteSize)(a0/a1,d0)
exec 198 $ff3a -$00c6 AllocMem(byteSize,requirements)(d0/d1)
exec 204 $ff34 -$00cc AllocAbs(byteSize,location)(d0/a1)
exec 210 $ff2e -$00d2 FreeMem(memoryBlock,byteSize)(a1,d0)
exec 216 $ff28 -$00d8 AvailMem(requirements)(d1)
exec 222 $ff22 -$00de AllocEntry(entry)(a0)
exec 228 $ff1c -$00e4 FreeEntry(entry)(a0)
exec 234 $ff16 -$00ea Insert(list,node,pred)(a0/a1/a2)
exec 240 $ff10 -$00f0 AddHead(list,node)(a0/a1)
exec 246 $ff0a -$00f6 AddTail(list,node)(a0/a1)
exec 252 $ff04 -$00fc Remove(node)(a1)
exec 258 $fefe -$0102 RemHead(list)(a0)
exec 264 $fef8 -$0108 RemTail(list)(a0)
exec 270 $fef2 -$010e Enqueue(list,node)(a0/a1)
exec 276 $feec -$0114 FindName(list,name)(a0/a1)
exec 282 $fee6 -$011a AddTask(task,initPC,finalPC)(a1/a2/a3)
exec 288 $fee0 -$0120 RemTask(task)(a1)
exec 294 $feda -$0126 FindTask(name)(a1)
exec 300 $fed4 -$012c SetTaskPri(task,priority)(a1,d0)
exec 306 $fece -$0132 SetSignal(newSignals,signalSet)(d0/d1)
exec 312 $fec8 -$0138 SetExcept(newSignals,signalSet)(d0/d1)
exec 318 $fec2 -$013e Wait(signalSet)(d0)
exec 324 $febc -$0144 Signal(task,signalSet)(a1,d0)
exec 330 $feb6 -$014a AllocSignal(signalNum)(d0)
exec 336 $feb0 -$0150 FreeSignal(signalNum)(d0)
exec 342 $feaa -$0156 AllocTrap(trapNum)(d0)
exec 348 $fea4 -$015c FreeTrap(trapNum)(d0)
exec 354 $fe9e -$0162 AddPort(port)(a1)
exec 360 $fe98 -$0168 RemPort(port)(a1)
exec 366 $fe92 -$016e PutMsg(port,message)(a0/a1)
exec 372 $fe8c -$0174 GetMsg(port)(a0)
exec 378 $fe86 -$017a ReplyMsg(message)(a1)
exec 384 $fe80 -$0180 WaitPort(port)(a0)
exec 390 $fe7a -$0186 FindPort(name)(a1)
exec 396 $fe74 -$018c AddLibrary(library)(a1)
exec 402 $fe6e -$0192 RemLibrary(library)(a1)
exec 408 $fe68 -$0198 OldOpenLibrary(libName)(a1)
exec 414 $fe62 -$019e CloseLibrary(library)(a1)
exec 420 $fe5c -$01a4 SetFunction(library,funcOffset,newFunction)(a1,a0,d0)
exec 426 $fe56 -$01aa SumLibrary(library)(a1)
exec 432 $fe50 -$01b0 AddDevice(device)(a1)
exec 438 $fe4a -$01b6 RemDevice(device)(a1)
exec 444 $fe44 -$01bc OpenDevice(devName,unit,ioRequest,flags)(a0,d0/a1,d1)
exec 450 $fe3e -$01c2 CloseDevice(ioRequest)(a1)
exec 456 $fe38 -$01c8 DoIO(ioRequest)(a1)
exec 462 $fe32 -$01ce SendIO(ioRequest)(a1)
exec 468 $fe2c -$01d4 CheckIO(ioRequest)(a1)
exec 474 $fe26 -$01da WaitIO(ioRequest)(a1)
exec 480 $fe20 -$01e0 AbortIO(ioRequest)(a1)
exec 486 $fe1a -$01e6 AddResource(resource)(a1)
exec 492 $fe14 -$01ec RemResource(resource)(a1)
exec 498 $fe0e -$01f2 OpenResource(resName)(a1)
exec 504 $fe08 -$01f8 RawIOInit()()
exec 510 $fe02 -$01fe RawMayGetChar()()
exec 516 $fdfc -$0204 RawPutChar()()
exec 522 $fdf6 -$020a RawDoFmt(formatString,dataStream,putChProc,putChData)
exec 528 $fdf0 -$0210 GetCC()()
exec 534 $fdea -$0216 TypeOfMem(address)(a1)
exec 540 $fde4 -$021c Procure(semaport,bidMsg)(a0/a1)
exec 546 $fdde -$0222 Vacate(semaport)(a0)
exec 552 $fdd8 -$0228 OpenLibrary(libName,version)(a1,d0)
exec 558 $fdd2 -$022e InitSemaphore(sigSem)(a0)
exec 564 $fdcc -$0234 ObtainSemaphore(sigSem)(a0)
exec 570 $fdc6 -$023a ReleaseSemaphore(sigSem)(a0)
exec 576 $fdc0 -$0240 AttemptSemaphore(sigSem)(a0)
exec 582 $fdba -$0246 ObtainSemaphoreList(sigSem)(a0)
exec 588 $fdb4 -$024c ReleaseSemaphoreList(sigSem)(a0)
exec 594 $fdae -$0252 FindSemaphore(sigSem)(a1)
exec 600 $fda8 -$0258 AddSemaphore(sigSem)(a1)
exec 606 $fda2 -$025e RemSemaphore(sigSem)(a1)
exec 612 $fd9c -$0264 SumKickData()()
exec 618 $fd96 -$026a AddMemList(size,attributes,pri,base,name)(d0/d1/d2/a0/a1)
exec 624 $fd90 -$0270 CopyMem(source,dest,size)(a0/a1,d0)
exec 630 $fd8a -$0276 CopyMemQuick(source,dest,size)(a0/a1,d0)
exec 636 $fd84 -$027c CacheClearU()()
exec 642 $fd7e -$0282 CacheClearE(address,length,caches)(a0,d0/d1)
exec 648 $fd78 -$0288 CacheControl(cacheBits,cacheMask)(d0/d1)
exec 654 $fd72 -$028e CreateIORequest(port,size)(a0,d0)
exec 660 $fd6c -$0294 DeleteIORequest(iorequest)(a0)
exec 666 $fd66 -$029a CreateMsgPort()()
exec 672 $fd60 -$02a0 DeleteMsgPort(port)(a0)
exec 678 $fd5a -$02a6 ObtainSemaphoreShared(sigSem)(a0)
exec 684 $fd54 -$02ac AllocVec(byteSize,requirements)(d0/d1)
exec 690 $fd4e -$02b2 FreeVec(memoryBlock)(a1)
exec 696 $fd48 -$02b8 CreatePrivatePool(requirements,puddleSize,puddleThresh)
exec 702 $fd42 -$02be DeletePrivatePool(poolHeader)(a0)
exec 708 $fd3c -$02c4 AllocPooled(memSize,poolHeader)(d0/a0)
exec 714 $fd36 -$02ca FreePooled(memory,poolHeader)(a1,a0)
exec 720 $fd30 -$02d0 ExecReserved00(nothing)(d0)
exec 726 $fd2a -$02d6 ColdReboot()()
exec 732 $fd24 -$02dc StackSwap(newSize,newSP,newStack)(d0/d1/a0)
exec 738 $fd1e -$02e2 ChildFree(tid)(d0)
exec 744 $fd18 -$02e8 ChildOrphan(tid)(d0)
exec 750 $fd12 -$02ee ChildStatus(tid)(d0)
exec 756 $fd0c -$02f4 ChildWait(tid)(d0)
exec 762 $fd06 -$02fa ExecReserved01(nothing)(d0)
exec 768 $fd00 -$0300 ExecReserved02(nothing)(d0)
exec 774 $fcfa -$0306 ExecReserved03(nothing)(d0)
exec 780 $fcf4 -$030c ExecReserved04(nothing)(d0)

Category Offset Dec
Offset Hex Meaning
graphics.library 30 $ffe2 -$001e BltBitMap(srcBitMap,xSrc,ySrc,destBitMap,xDest,yDest,xSize,
graphics.library 36 $ffdc -$0024 BltTemplate(source,xSrc,srcMod,destRP,xDest,yDest,xSize,
graphics.library 42 $ffd6 -$002a ClearEOL(rp)(a1)
graphics.library 48 $ffd0 -$0030 ClearScreen(rp)(a1)
graphics.library 54 $ffca -$0036 TextLength(rp,string,count)(a1,a0,d0)
graphics.library 60 $ffc4 -$003c Text(rp,string,count)(a1,a0,d0)
graphics.library 66 $ffbe -$0042 SetFont(rp,textFont)(a1,a0)
graphics.library 72 $ffb8 -$0048 OpenFont(textAttr)(a0)
graphics.library 78 $ffb2 -$004e CloseFont(textFont)(a1)
graphics.library 84 $ffac -$0054 AskSoftStyle(rp)(a1)
graphics.library 90 $ffa6 -$005a SetSoftStyle(rp,style,enable)(a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 96 $ffa0 -$0060 AddBob(bob,rp)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 102 $ff9a -$0066 AddVSprite(vSprite,rp)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 108 $ff94 -$006c DoCollision(rp)(a1)
graphics.library 114 $ff8e -$0072 DrawGList(rp,vp)(a1,a0)
graphics.library 120 $ff88 -$0078 InitGels(head,tail,gelsInfo)(a0/a1/a2)
graphics.library 126 $ff82 -$007e InitMasks(vSprite)(a0)
graphics.library 132 $ff7c -$0084 RemIBob(bob,rp,vp)(a0/a1/a2)
graphics.library 138 $ff76 -$008a RemVSprite(vSprite)(a0)
graphics.library 144 $ff70 -$0090 SetCollision(num,routine,gelsInfo)(d0/a0/a1)
graphics.library 150 $ff6a -$0096 SortGList(rp)(a1)
graphics.library 156 $ff64 -$009c AddAnimOb(anOb,anKey,rp)(a0/a1/a2)
graphics.library 162 $ff5e -$00a2 Animate(anKey,rp)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 168 $ff58 -$00a8 GetGBuffers(anOb,rp,flag)(a0/a1,d0)
graphics.library 174 $ff52 -$00ae InitGMasks(anOb)(a0)
graphics.library 180 $ff4c -$00b4 DrawEllipse(rp,xCenter,yCenter,a,b)(a1,d0/d1/d2/d3)
graphics.library 186 $ff46 -$00ba AreaEllipse(rp,xCenter,yCenter,a,b)(a1,d0/d1/d2/d3)
graphics.library 192 $ff40 -$00c0 LoadRGB4(vp,colors,count)(a0/a1,d0)
graphics.library 198 $ff3a -$00c6 InitRastPort(rp)(a1)
graphics.library 204 $ff34 -$00cc InitVPort(vp)(a0)
graphics.library 210 $ff2e -$00d2 MrgCop(view)(a1)
graphics.library 216 $ff28 -$00d8 MakeVPort(view,vp)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 222 $ff22 -$00de LoadView(view)(a1)
graphics.library 228 $ff1c -$00e4 WaitBlit()()
graphics.library 234 $ff16 -$00ea SetRast(rp,pen)(a1,d0)
graphics.library 240 $ff10 -$00f0 Move(rp,x,y)(a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 246 $ff0a -$00f6 Draw(rp,x,y)(a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 252 $ff04 -$00fc AreaMove(rp,x,y)(a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 258 $fefe -$0102 AreaDraw(rp,x,y)(a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 264 $fef8 -$0108 AreaEnd(rp)(a1)
graphics.library 270 $fef2 -$010e WaitTOF()()
graphics.library 276 $feec -$0114 QBlit(blit)(a1)
graphics.library 282 $fee6 -$011a InitArea(areaInfo,vectorBuffer,maxVectors)(a0/a1,d0)
graphics.library 288 $fee0 -$0120 SetRGB4(vp,index,red,green,blue)(a0,d0/d1/d2/d3)
graphics.library 294 $feda -$0126 QBSBlit(blit)(a1)
graphics.library 300 $fed4 -$012c BltClear(memBlock,byteCount,flags)(a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 306 $fece -$0132 RectFill(rp,xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax)(a1,d0/d1/d2/d3)
graphics.library 312 $fec8 -$0138 BltPattern(rp,mask,xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax,maskBPR)
graphics.library 318 $fec2 -$013e ReadPixel(rp,x,y)(a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 324 $febc -$0144 WritePixel(rp,x,y)(a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 330 $feb6 -$014a Flood(rp,mode,x,y)(a1,d2,d0/d1)
graphics.library 336 $feb0 -$0150 PolyDraw(rp,count,polyTable)(a1,d0/a0)
graphics.library 342 $feaa -$0156 SetAPen(rp,pen)(a1,d0)
graphics.library 348 $fea4 -$015c SetBPen(rp,pen)(a1,d0)
graphics.library 354 $fe9e -$0162 SetDrMd(rp,drawMode)(a1,d0)
graphics.library 360 $fe98 -$0168 InitView(view)(a1)
graphics.library 366 $fe92 -$016e CBump(copList)(a1)
graphics.library 372 $fe8c -$0174 CMove(copList,destination,data)(a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 378 $fe86 -$017a CWait(copList,v,h)(a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 384 $fe80 -$0180 VBeamPos()()
graphics.library 390 $fe7a -$0186 InitBitMap(bitMap,depth,width,height)(a0,d0/d1/d2)
graphics.library 396 $fe74 -$018c ScrollRaster(rp,dx,dy,xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax)
graphics.library 402 $fe6e -$0192 WaitBOVP(vp)(a0)
graphics.library 408 $fe68 -$0198 GetSprite(sprite,num)(a0,d0)
graphics.library 414 $fe62 -$019e FreeSprite(num)(d0)
graphics.library 420 $fe5c -$01a4 ChangeSprite(vp,sprite,newData)(a0/a1/a2)
graphics.library 426 $fe56 -$01aa MoveSprite(vp,sprite,x,y)(a0/a1,d0/d1)
graphics.library 432 $fe50 -$01b0 LockLayerRom(layer)(a5)
graphics.library 438 $fe4a -$01b6 UnlockLayerRom(layer)(a5)
graphics.library 444 $fe44 -$01bc SyncSBitMap(layer)(a0)
graphics.library 450 $fe3e -$01c2 CopySBitMap(layer)(a0)
graphics.library 456 $fe38 -$01c8 OwnBlitter()()
graphics.library 462 $fe32 -$01ce DisownBlitter()()
graphics.library 468 $fe2c -$01d4 InitTmpRas(tmpRas,buffer,size)(a0/a1,d0)
graphics.library 474 $fe26 -$01da AskFont(rp,textAttr)(a1,a0)
graphics.library 480 $fe20 -$01e0 AddFont(textFont)(a1)
graphics.library 486 $fe1a -$01e6 RemFont(textFont)(a1)
graphics.library 492 $fe14 -$01ec AllocRaster(width,height)(d0/d1)
graphics.library 498 $fe0e -$01f2 FreeRaster(p,width,height)(a0,d0/d1)
graphics.library 504 $fe08 -$01f8 AndRectRegion(region,rectangle)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 510 $fe02 -$01fe OrRectRegion(region,rectangle)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 516 $fdfc -$0204 NewRegion()()
graphics.library 522 $fdf6 -$020a ClearRectRegion(region,rectangle)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 528 $fdf0 -$0210 ClearRegion(region)(a0)
graphics.library 534 $fdea -$0216 DisposeRegion(region)(a0)
graphics.library 540 $fde4 -$021c FreeVPortCopLists(vp)(a0)
graphics.library 546 $fdde -$0222 FreeCopList(copList)(a0)
graphics.library 552 $fdd8 -$0228 ClipBlit(srcRP,xSrc,ySrc,destRP,xDest,yDest,xSize,ySize,
graphics.library 558 $fdd2 -$022e XorRectRegion(region,rectangle)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 564 $fdcc -$0234 FreeCprList(cprList)(a0)
graphics.library 570 $fdc6 -$023a GetColorMap(entries)(d0)
graphics.library 576 $fdc0 -$0240 FreeColorMap(colorMap)(a0)
graphics.library 582 $fdba -$0246 GetRGB4(colorMap,entry)(a0,d0)
graphics.library 588 $fdb4 -$024c ScrollVPort(vp)(a0)
graphics.library 594 $fdae -$0252 UCopperListInit(uCopList,n)(a0,d0)
graphics.library 600 $fda8 -$0258 FreeGBuffers(anOb,rp,flag)(a0/a1,d0)
graphics.library 606 $fda2 -$025e BltBitMapRastPort(srcBitMap,xSrc,ySrc,destRP,xDest,yDest,
graphics.library 612 $fd9c -$0264 OrRegionRegion(srcRegion,destRegion)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 618 $fd96 -$026a XorRegionRegion(srcRegion,destRegion)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 624 $fd90 -$0270 AndRegionRegion(srcRegion,destRegion)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 630 $fd8a -$0276 SetRGB4CM(colorMap,index,red,green,blue)(a0,d0/d1/d2/d3)
graphics.library 636 $fd84 -$027c BltMaskBitMapRastPort(srcBitMap,xSrc,ySrc,destRP,xDest,
graphics.library 654 $fd72 -$028e AttemptLockLayerRom(layer)(a5)
graphics.library 660 $fd6c -$0294 GfxNew(gfxNodeType)(d0)
graphics.library 666 $fd66 -$029a GfxFree(gfxNodePtr)(a0)
graphics.library 672 $fd60 -$02a0 GfxAssociate(associateNode,gfxNodePtr)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 678 $fd5a -$02a6 BitMapScale(bitScaleArgs)(a0)
graphics.library 684 $fd54 -$02ac ScalerDiv(factor,numerator,denominator)(d0/d1/d2)
graphics.library 690 $fd4e -$02b2 TextExtent(rp,string,count,textExtent)(a1,a0,d0/a2)
graphics.library 696 $fd48 -$02b8 TextFit(rp,string,strLen,textExtent,constrainingExtent,
graphics.library 702 $fd42 -$02be GfxLookUp(associateNode)(a0)
graphics.library 708 $fd3c -$02c4 VideoControl(colorMap,tagarray)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 714 $fd36 -$02ca OpenMonitor(monitorName,displayID)(a1,d0)
graphics.library 720 $fd30 -$02d0 CloseMonitor(monitorSpec)(a0)
graphics.library 726 $fd2a -$02d6 FindDisplayInfo(displayID)(d0)
graphics.library 732 $fd24 -$02dc NextDisplayInfo(displayID)(d0)
graphics.library 738 $fd1e -$02e2 AddDisplayInfo(displayInfoRecord)(a0)
graphics.library 744 $fd18 -$02e8 AddDisplayInfoData(handle,buf,size,tagID,displayID)
graphics.library 750 $fd12 -$02ee SetDisplayInfoData(handle,buf,size,tagID,displayID)
graphics.library 756 $fd0c -$02f4 GetDisplayInfoData(handle,buf,size,tagID,displayID)
graphics.library 762 $fd06 -$02fa FontExtent(font,fontExtent)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 768 $fd00 -$0300 ReadPixelLine8(rp,xstart,ystart,width,array,tempRP)
graphics.library 774 $fcfa -$0306 WritePixelLine8(rp,xstart,ystart,width,array,tempRP)
graphics.library 780 $fcf4 -$030c ReadPixelArray8(rp,xstart,ystart,xstop,ystop,array,temprp)
graphics.library 786 $fcee -$0312 WritePixelArray8(rp,xstart,ystart,xstop,ystop,array,temprp)
graphics.library 792 $fce8 -$0318 GetVPModeID(vp)(a0)
graphics.library 798 $fce2 -$031e ModeNotAvailable(modeID)(d0)
graphics.library 804 $fcdc -$0324 WeighTAMatch(reqTextAttr,targetTextAttr,targetTags)
graphics.library 810 $fcd6 -$032a EraseRect(rp,xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax)(a1,d0/d1/d2/d3)
graphics.library 816 $fcd0 -$0330 ExtendFont(font,fontTags)(a0/a1)
graphics.library 822 $fcca -$0336 StripFont(font)(a0)


These can be used to combine bits from multiple sources, Remember A and B can be bitshifted, and A can be masked. The MinTerm we use will define the resulting data we write to D. the Sources A,B and C can be bitmap sprites, Masks or the current screen data (for XOR or masked sprites). ABCD must be in CHIP RAM.

Surprisingly Bitshifting does not affect speed, however unsurprisingly the more DMA channels we use, the slower the transfer will be.

See the Amiga Hardware Manual for more Blitting details


'MinTerms' are Logical operations used by BLIT function - these are selected by the bottom 8 bits of BLTCON0 ($DFF040)

In the charts below, ! means NOT (Bits flipped)... in bit logic terms * is effectively AND ... + is effectively OR


D=A*B $88  
$30 D=A*!B $44 D=B*!C
$0C D=!A*B         $22 D=!B*C
D=!A*!C $03 D=!A*!B $11 D=!B*!C

D=A+B        $EE  
D=A+!B $DD
D=A+!C $77
D=!A+B $FE
D=!A+C $80


$F0 D=A PSET   A=Sprite   D=ScreenRam
A=SpriteMask   B=Sprite   C=CurrentScreenRam   D=ScreenRam
A=Sprite   C=CurrentScreenRam   D=ScreenRam

The above  examples can also be performed in other ways!

Combining Minterms

Multiple Minterms can be added by ORing... for example:

D=A is $F0
D=!B is $33
so... D=A+!B is $F3

Multiple minterms can be multiplied by ANDing... for example:

D=A is $F0
D=C is $AA
so D=A*C is $A0

'Minterms' are a boolean algebra thing!... but you only need to know which number code to use for your blitter.

If you're feeling brainy, and want to become a super smarypants, you can learn more about Minterms here... Just be careful your head doesn't explode with all the maths!

Amiga Hardware  Reference Manual


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eZ80 Downloads
eZ80 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
eZ80 Platforms
Ti84 PCE

IBM370 Content
Learn IBM370 Assembly
Simple Samples
IBM370 Downloads
IBM370 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit

Super-H Content
Learn SH2 Assembly
Hello World Series
Simple Samples
SH2 Downloads
SH2 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
SH2 Platforms

PowerPC Content
Learn PowerPC Assembly
Hello World Series
Simple Samples
PowerPC Downloads
PowerPC Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
PowerPC Platforms

Work in Progress

Misc bits
Ruby programming

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Buy my Assembly programming book

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Buy my Assembly programming book
on Amazon in Print or Kindle!

Buy my Assembly programming book

Available worldwide!
Search 'ChibiAkumas' on
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Buy my Assembly programming book
on Amazon in Print or Kindle!

Buy my Assembly programming book

Available worldwide!
Search 'ChibiAkumas' on
your local Amazon website!
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